
Journal of Faculty of Education Assiut University - المجلة العلمية بكلية التربية-جامعة أسيوط

Journal of Faculty of Education Assiut University - المجلة العلمية بكلية التربية-جامعة أسيوط


The current research aimed at identifying the list of challenges and risks that threaten the Islamic national identity in Saudi Arabia, and measuring the trend of primary school teachers towards it, as we suffer a lot from all the factors that threaten our identity with all its national, religious and cultural meanings. This makes it face challenges and risks that compel the educational system to carry out this sacred strategic function of defending the Islamic national identity, and to identify this list of challenges and risks, and in the light of the results of previous researches and studies, a questionnaire has been made that included (7) themes applied to( 62) teachers in the city of Turbah, In Taif educational area. In the light of its results, a parameter has been set to explore primary school teachers’ trend towards challenges and risks to Islamic national identity, with a five-point Likert scale, and applied to a group of (46) primary schools teachers, (24) of whom are teachers with less than ten years of experience, (22) teachers with more than ten years of experience. The following are the most important results of the current research: -There are challenges and risks to the Islamic national identity, related to the environment, educational activities and curricula, family education, friends, media education (TV, newspapers, magazines, Internet, satellite channels, and social media networks), Saudi history, monuments and civilization, religious aspect, and by opening up to others’ civilization as well as Western cultures.

-There is a positive trend, on the overall trend scale, among primary schools teachers with more and less than ten years experience towards challenges and risks that threaten Islamic national identity in Saudi Arabia

-There is a positive trend, on each dimension of the ones on the trend scale, among primary schools teachers with more and less than ten years experience towards challenges and risks that threaten Islamic national identity in Saudi Arabia

-The research recommended that these challenges and risks should be confronted by endorsing the Dimensions of the Islamic national identity of primary school children.
