
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


Paperbacks industry has experienced great development industry through modern electronic means. When their reach this stage of development and the arrival of Paperbacks to the reader via computers, fired by the E-Research or electronic or digital library, which can be read via computer or tablet computer or mobile phone. Which became possible we can carry thousands of researchs in a small device and read researchs in a simple and easy access to information very quickly. And facilitate access to E-Researchs in an hour issued to the reader without the trouble, which spread the circle of human knowledge and scientific and literary and artistic significantly can not be measured by twenty years ago. Bringing the reader can get the researchs that he needs in various fields of science at home or during transportation wherever journeyed solution.

It became possible to convert Paperbacks to the E-Research, and the opposite is also possible, through sophisticated devices , which facilitated the release of two types of Paperbacks and e-researchs in parallel Non-conflicting. Bringing to the authors of the researchs to issue their innovations through e-researchs or Paperbacks, or both, as to facilitate the reader to get any of them according to their wishes and needs. If the Laws on the protection of intellectual property has bestowed protection of copyright on paperbacks they expected the release of the researchs in any way , It approved protect them. Have turned some modern Laws to confer protection on E- E-Research. Accordingly, this research included the concept of E- E-Research, which enjoys legal protection . The search is over conclusion dealt with the most important findings of the researcher.
