
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


This research dealt with issues related to the role of scientific research in the development of legislation, and the research aimed to clarify the concept of scientific research, its importance in preparing and drafting legislation, and clarifying its role in linking jurisprudence and legislation and the extent to which its theories are implemented in the field of legislation.

The problem of the research was the extent to which the national legislator adopted or ignored the opinions of legal scholars and commentators and their points of view in the legislation that the legislator is enacting or amending, hence the importance of the subject of the research in view of the importance of scientific research in contributing to the legal development of the national legal system, and the approach has been followed The descriptive, analytical and fundamentalist approaches in the preparation of this research.

The research came out with a number of results and recommendations, and among its most important results: There is no doubt that scientific research has an important role in preparing and drafting legislation and linking it between legal jurisprudence and legislation, through the development and improvement of drafting legislation, the continuous development and updating of legislation, and finding appropriate solutions to legal problems that They face jurists

Among the most important recommendations: We recommend that the national legislator adopt a policy of networking with universities, and in particular law schools; As scientific incubators, to benefit from the results and recommendations of the theses and research of postgraduate students - master's and doctoral degrees - in various branches of law.
