
Arab Journal of Arid Environments المجلة العربية للبيئات الجافة

Arab Journal of Arid Environments المجلة العربية للبيئات الجافة


This investigation was carried out in Abu Jarash farm, faculty of agriculture, Damascus University (Syria) during 2014/2015 winter season, to evaluate the performance of ten lentil genotypes; nine lines (L-55001, L-55002, L-55003, L-55017, L-55018, L-55020, L-55035, L-55051, L-55118) introduced from General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research

in Syria in addition to the check variety (Edlib-2) under rainfed conditions. The experiment was laid out according to randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replicates. Results showed that most of the phenological, physiological and productivity the traits of lentil lines had different responses under rainfed conditions, due to genotypes genetic variation. The check variety Edlib-2 recorded significant differences and had the lowest values for the following traits; germination date (13.85 days) and flowering date (85.20 days) and reached to maturity after 126.25 days, the highest mean of the following traits; plant height (21.56 cm), number of pods and seeds per plant , 100-seeds weight (9.60 pods.plant-1, 41.70 seeds.plant-1 and 16.28 g respectively), and followed by the line L-55051 (8.70 pods. plant-1and 38.60 seeds.plant-1 respectively) and the line L-55002 in 100-seeds weight (13.64 g). Meanwhile, the line L-55051 recorded significantly the highest values for relative water content and proline content (61.26% and 4.66 mg.g-1 respectively) and followed by the line L-55118 (59.77% and 4.37 mg.g-1 respectively). The check variety Edlib-2 achieved significantly the highest seed and straw yield (8.74 and 16.43 g.plant-1) followed by the line L-55051 (8.52 and 15.64 g. plant-1). The local cultivar Edlib-2 and the two lines L-55051 and L-55118 could be used as a genetic material for the improvement of lentil crop under drought conditions.
