Association of Arab Universities Journal for Arts مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للآداب: Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Association of Arab Universities Journal for Arts مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للآداب

Association of Arab Universities Journal for Arts  مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للآداب

Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for Association of Arab Universities Journal for Arts مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للآداب

This document provides details on typesetting and layout requirements pertaining to final manuscript submission to Association of Arab Universities Journal for Arts مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للآداب.

Formatting Requirements

- The article submitted to the journal should be an MS Word document, using double space. It should be sent to the journal via email: This email address is protected from spambots. You must enable JavaScript to view it. 

-  The font should be Ariel and the size should be 14, 2.5 CM margins. The research sources and references should be Romanized. The font size of footnotes, references, tables, and figures should be 12. The whole research paper should not exceed 30 pages including tables, appendices, and figures. 

-  In the first page, the author should write his/her name, academic rank, and affiliation.