Association of Arab Universities Journal for Arts مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للآداب

Volume 1, Issue 1 (2004)
The Role of Shams al-Din Sami in the first Jordanian Legislative Council (1929-1931)
Mohammad Mahafza
الشعر المقطعي لابن عربي المرسى
عبدالله الزيات
Types of Departure From Grammatical Rules Based on the Article( Laysa)
Abdel-Mohdi Al-Jarrah
The Arabic Language in the Computer Age, and in Formatics (An Approach to the General Structure of Arabic Systems)
Salih Abu Sini
Assimilation: A Study in Vocalization
Raslan Bani Yasin
Grammatical Terminology: Vocalization and Signification
Mohammad Allabady
Islam and the Muslims in the Anglo-American Literary Tradition: The Historical Roots and the Reiterations
Marwan obeidat and Ibrahim Mumayiz