
Association of Arab Universities Journal for Arts مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للآداب

Association of Arab Universities Journal for Arts  مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للآداب

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In this paper, we have tried to describe and interpret different phases of sentence acquisition, we have adopted that this operation is based mainly on the integration of the canonical sentence as it’s identified in functional discourse grammar, So the language acquisition requires many abilities: Perceptual ability provides reception of the appropriate linguistic stimulus , cognitive ability enables the child to assimilate and adapt , the linguistic ability allows him to decode and encode utterances at either the morpho-syntactic or phonological level ,also it`s assure access to the mental lexicon and select the appropriate lexeme, and then the praxis ability that assures sentences production by assimilating the appropriate prosodic rules. Sentence acquisition involves the integration of all these abilities that contribute to its perception and production, such capacities are prescribed in the model of language production proposed in the functional discourse grammar Hengaveld & Mackenzie (2008) and the modified model that also outlines the perception of language El Belkasmi (2017, 2019).We conclude First of all, that’s it is necessary to do not dissociate the study of the acquisition of the production from the perception of the language, then, we notice that all the components of communicative capacity intervene during this acquisition, finally, we assumed that the study of the acquisition of the language must be based on the structure or canonical sentence which supports all the languages as it was represented in the functional literature.
