
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences

Article Title

A Generalized Theorem on Double Absolute Factorable Matrix Summability


In this paper, we generalize a new result on absolute index double matrix summability. Dealing with $|A|_k$-summability, Sava\c{s} and Rhoades [E. Sava\c{s} and B. E. Rhoades, Nonlinear Anal. {\bf 69}, 189--200 (2008)], established a result on absolute indexed double matrix summability of infinite series which was generalized by Jena {\it et al.} [B. B. Jena, S. K. Paikray and U. K. Misra, Tbilisi Math. J. {\bf 11} , 1--18 (2018)], for $|A, \delta|_k$-summability. Here, we derive a new and more generalized result on $|U, \delta, \gamma|_q$-summability. Finally, we also highlight some important new and well-known results in the line of our findings in the conclusion section. We also suggest a direction for future researches on this subject towards application areas of science like a rectification of signals in FIR filter and IIR filter to speed of the rate of convergence.