
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences

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Let A be the class of functions f , f(z) = z + ∞ ∑ m=2 amz m, analytic in the open unit disc E. Let S ∗ s (h) consist of functions f ∈ A such that 2z f′ (z) f(z)−f(−z) ≺ h(z), where ≺ denotes subordination and h(z) is analytic in E with h(0) = 1. For n = 0,1,2,3,..., a certain integral operator In : A → A is defined as In f = f −1 n ∗ f such that (f −1 n ∗ fn)(z) = z z−1 , where fn(z) = z (1−z) n+1 , and ∗ denotes convolution. By taking h(z) = 1+ 2 π 2 log 1+ √ z 1− √ z 2 α ,0 < α < 1, and using the operator In, we define some new classes USTs(n,α) and UKs(n,α), and study some interesting properties of these classes. The ideas and techniques of this paper may motivate further research in this field

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