An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)




Objective: This study aimed to reveal any roles that citizen journalism plays in developing the values of digital citizenship among Palestinian journalists in the digital age, and to provide an illustrative model of the principles of digital citizenship and understanding its values and cultural aspects among Palestinian journalists in light of the consequences that have occurred and are still occurring due to developments in digital technologies. Methodology: This study depended on a purposive sampling consisting of 10 editors-in-chief of local Palestinian media outlets, and managers of Palestinian media institutions and Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate. This research employed a group interview of eight people, taking into account: (position, gender, and years of experience). Results and conclusions: This study also provided a model of principles of digital citizenship and how to understand these principles from a postmodern perspective. The main results of this study were that there is a decrease in the awareness level of social media users in Palestine about the dimensions of digital citizenship, which include digital respect, digital literacy. The finding also revealed that the majority of the study sample did not receive training about the principles and indicators of digital citizenship due to deficiency of media institutions that are specialized in spreading the culture of digital citizenship. The study uncovered that due to the absence of awareness programs about digital citizenship in Palestine, the users are immersed in “virtual worlds”. Recommendations: This study recommended that there is a need for the Palestinian media organizations to deal with a “smart partner” The media organizations should be able to understand the partner’s needs, circumstances, and to pay attention to the rapid developments of the partner day after day in terms of the complex journalistic and digital behavior.
