"Les implications de l'émigration dans la médina de Tunis" by Fadila ALAOUI



The Implications of Emigration inthe Medina of Tunis

Taking into account its economic and political interests in Tunisia, French colonization did not hesitate to lead to a cleavage between the interior of the country and its coast on the one hand and between the interior and the capital on the other. The negative effects of this policy were numerous, as were the socio-cultural, spatial and economic differences. Thus, the coast and the capital were the center of interest of national and / or foreign decision-makers.Our analysis will focus on the mutations caused in the medina of Tunis following the arrival ofemigrants, to carry out this work; we relied on a survey of the population concerned and interviews with officials of the Municipality of Tunis and the Association for the Safeguarding of the Medina of Tunis.