"Enjeux et usages des médias : Pratiques médiatiques de la diaspora mar" by Souad TOUHAMl



The democratization of access to new ICT and the change often announced by the media sphere on contributes to diversifying the media consumption patterns of ethnic communities. The diversification of the media offer and in particular specialization growing media of ethnic minorities contributes to fuel new communicational public space. The media practices of the Moroccan population living in France reveal a particular way of life and social environment. They testify to a certain number of variables and strategies implemented by users according to their needs. their expectations and their culture. The differences are observable not only in terms of equipment and uses but also according to generations. Based on the results of a qualitative study (Touhami, 2007), we will see that the Moroccan community living in France builds its agenda in a global context mixed with several cultural dynamics. Social, economic, political. etc. cross. Indeed, theoverall situation of this population pushes it to reorganize its space public and to design new forms of appropriation.

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