"La Faculté des Lettres et de Sciences Humaines d'Agadir: vers une orga" by Mokhtar EL MAOUHAL and Brahim ABARAGH



Today, the business environment is undergoing exponential evolution which requires the players in the world of work to innovate and to design ways of producing goods and offering adequate services according to “learning” processes. From the outset, the qualifier "Learner" is, to say the least, prohibited applied here to the company considered as an organization. However, the genius of the concept of organizational learning goes back a long way, so that it satisfies the objective of a renewed interest in HR services and arouses many controversies, particularly in Anglo-Saxon countries ". , result of an individual cognitive process, can be transferred, transposed to organizations endowed with the possibility of collective cognition to do so.was studied in various disciplinary fields, it was only in the 1950s that he applied to organization etc. (Herbert Simon: 1994 {We then speak of "organizational learning" incorporated into the notion of a “learning organization” and which constitutes one of its founding processes.