"منظومة النقل الجماعي بأكادير الكبير بين الوضعية القانونية -التنظيمية وواقع الممارسة" by Mohamed Ben Attou



The belief in the importance of the mass transport system within Agadir is one of the most important things that we should be concerned with and be keen on. If we can look into making this environment, whether in the medium or long term, with the help of a number of investments that move its administrative and industrial tributaries, then we are at the core of development that attain the conditions of stability. The articlesought to acquaint the reader with a set of vivid documented information, including the development of licenses granted to taxis which were supposed to have a general structure that fulfills the conditions of balance in line with the requirements of the field, and the legal matters that must be provided by taxi drivers in order to enter this field. In essence, the aim of this research was to shed light on the matter in order to bring awareness of its importance.