"Les potentialités touristiques dans la basse montagne rifaine" by M CHAOUKI, A TAOUS et al.



This article concerns a diagnosis of the various tourist resources in the region of Taounate; in particular the transport and the existing tourist equipments, the natural and landscaped elements and finally the cultural and built potential. It is tourist resources that are not put in tourism yet. The data collection based itself essentially on the investigation of ground. The evaluation and the characterization of the elements of the tourist potential are based on the subjective estimation. A card (map) of set (group) presents the spatial location (localization) of the various tourist potentialities.

In spite of the wealth of such a tourist potential, the region knows no significant tourist activity. The state of infrastructures, the absence of any tourist promotion (class) and the insufficiency regarding the equipments of tourist welcome (reception) explain this absence of the tourist sector.

The article eventually evokes the necessary conditions and the steps (initiatives) to be begun (undertaken) for the elaboration of certain circuits and tourist roads.