"الْكِتَابَاتُ الْمُنْجَزَةُ حَوْلَ التَّصَوّفِ الْمَغْرِبِيّ، تَقْدِيم" by لطيفة شراس



This publication stated that the Sufi heritage, whether in manuscript or publication, is an immense scientific material that reflects two main issues: the ethical and educational aspirations of those who created it as well as their intellectual orientation, and that this heritage indirectly symbolizes the living conditions and the social and political conditions of those who created it. In addition, the author mentioned that the literature written about the heritage of Sufism is varied and numerous which is usually dependent on the multiplicity and diversity of the intellectual visions and the methodological trends of those who compiled it. These writings are either focused on the history of Sufism or on the analysis the Sufi discourse or theorizing about its content. Also, there are literacy focused writings which focuses on the Sufi discourse as a creative experience.