"علاقة السلطة المركزية بالجنوب المغربي خلال القرنين19 و 20 م: حالة مجال" by سويلام بوغدا



The relationship between the central authority with southern Morocco during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: ASSA as a case study between 1830 and 1934

Morocco has witnessed dangerous and obvious transformations in the relationship between the tribes and the Moroccan regime or the so-called “Makhzen”. These relations were also influenced by the continuous existence of the foreign occupation regimes (France and Portugal). These changes affect the vision of the local leaders since the occupation made tribalism lose all its components and itsinheritance. As a result, nervousness, nomadism, and raiding lost its power. This article attempts to deal with the topic through studying a historical period between the 19th and 20th centuries of Ait-Oussa tribes. For a careful analysis, historical documents and important events and incidents were drawn upon to understand the changes in relations between the tribes and the central authority in the post-colonial period. The results showed that these tribes usually struggle over the land and try to impose hegemony.

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