"La hausse de l’immobilier, le déclin du pouvoir d’achat du citoyen tun" by Fadhila Aloui Miadi



Title : The rise in real estate, the decline in the purchasing power of the Tunisian citizen: what issues?

Since independence, Tunisia has given pride of place to the housing sector in its economic and social development policies. In this context, various institutions have been set up to help citizens to have decent housing; in this regard, we mention the national real estate company of Tunisia (SNIT), the national housing savings fund (CNEL), which became the housing bank in 1989, the land agency housing... In reality, these institutions offered services only to solvent categories composed mainly of the middle class, whose status as an employee enabled them to benefit from all kinds of credits. Starting in the year 2000, the financial crisis that has already begun in the world's major economic centers has had a negative impact on the economies of the dependent countries. As a result, their socio-economic situation has deteriorated and it is the middle class who has been the most affected, dependent on loans, who is unable to repay these debts, his consumption expenses fall. At the same time, several sectors have been destabilized, namely the automobile market and real estate. The latter is facing an unprecedented crisis; the stock of vacant housing continues to rise against a worrying decline in purchasing power of buyers. In 2017 the government wanted to find the solution according to the formula "first housing" but the promulgation of the real estate tax of 13% on the purchase of any new housing complicated the situation of the promoter on the one hand that cannot find buyer and on the other hand the indebted citizen who becomes unable to keep pace with the rise in real estate.