"أثر الاستراتيجيات ما وراء المعرفية في تنمية الكفاية اللغوية لمتعلمي ال" by الحسين أوباها and محمد الفران



This study, which is part of doctoral research into applied linguistics, aimed to identify the impact of using metacognitive learning strategies on developing linguistic competence for deaf learners in LALLA ASMAE foundation for deaf children in Rabat-Morocco. using descriptive and quasi-experimental methodologies approaches, on experimental group learned by metacognitive strategies, and control group by an ordinary method. And Mykle Bust test for diagnosis of learning disabilities and the Linguistic competence test (examined its psychometric stabilities). The results showed significant differences at (α 0.05) in favor of the experimental group, and no statistically significant differences at (α 0.05) due to the gender variable. So it confirms the positive effect of metacognitive strategies.