"الخطاب النقدي المغربي الحديث من سؤال الخصوصية إلى سؤال المنهج" by لحسن بوتكلاي



The researcher of the evolutionary process of critical discourse in Morocco faces the question of its actual beginning as a practice describing creative work. A closer look at the studies which have dealt with the topic shows that these studies differ, whether in determining the date of its real beginning or in the stages it went through. Even at the present moment in which it has managed to surmount the complex of self-assertion and embrace modern theoretical and literary issues. Perhaps the reason for this difference is due to the concept adopted by each researcher of critical discourse itself. This article provides the evolutionary process of critical discourse in Morocco from its supposed beginning to the eighties of the last century. As a matter of fact, giving an exhaustive presentation of all the achievements during this long period of time would be beyond the scope of this article. Instead, the focus of the study is on the major shifts that are said to indicate a change in the cultural and theoretical background and in the way literature itself is perceived.