"On Grammaticality Judgement Tasks in Second Language Acquisition Rease" by Brahim SIMOUR



The purpose of the present article is to consider some important metho- dological problems having to do with the techniques of elicitation of inter- language (henceforth IL) data. Researchers in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) generally make use of two main sorts of data: intuitional data and tex- tual data. The former broadly refer to learner's metalinguistic judgments and represent the dominating trend in the eighties, whereas the latter consist pri- marily of learner productions and were dominating in the seventies. Here, we will be particularly interested in the elicitation of intuitional data because of two fundamental reasons : the first of which is that intuituional data have been used widely in SLA research, and the second of which is that their use has been, over the past few years, the subject of hot debate and much contro- versy more than any other research method (Ellis (199 l), Hedgcock (1993), Birdsong ( 1989)... among others).