Journal of Engineering Research

Different methodologies used to evaluate acoustic performancein ineducational lecture hall. Theses technical methods have been used in order to define theacoustic problems in lecture hall and suggest acoustic and architecture treatments to solvethese acoustic problems. The methods that used for acoustic analysis were Sabin, Eyring,Arau-puchades and ODEON. This paper is foucing on acoustic performance in lecturehall 2 in Tanta Engineering. Acoustic study has been done for lecture hall as follows:Evaluation the acoustic performance by field measurements for reverberation time,manual calculation and acoustic simulation; ODEON software. Different acousticperformance analysis was performed. Different acoustic and architecture treatments weresuggested based on the analysis. The final results of room acoustics of different casescarried on the hall were compered to the international requirements for educationalspaces. The main problems based on the acoustic analysis are the increase of hall height,architecture design of ceiling and hard covering of the internal surfaces
Recommended Citation
Rania, Aly-Aldean,
"Methodology to evaluate acoustic performance in educational spaces by Different Methods,"
Journal of Engineering Research: Vol. 2:
1, Article 12.
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