
Journal of Engineering Research

Journal of Engineering Research


Conventionally, steel gates are widely used in hydraulic structures for their superior mechanical properties in sustaining hydrostatic pressure. Maintenance and operational costs should be considered while studying the feasibility of these gates. In the current research, three prototype steel gates with different configurations were prepared and examined experimentally. The three gates have the same surface dimensions of (width x height) equal to (1.0 x 1.25 m). The first steel gate represents a typical traditional gate made of skin plate and stiffened laterally using standard steel channels and will be kept for comparison. The second gate represents a standard thicker plate without any stiffeners, while the third was a newly designed gate where two skin plates were stiffened using a latticed shape internal core. All the gates were loaded with equivalent hydrostatic pressure and their flexure performances were studied. Furthermore, parametrical study was conducted numerically using Finite Element (FE) software – ABAQUS. The numerical work investigated similar dimensions to the physically examined gates. The synthetic results of gates were of good agreement with the experimented gates. In addition, parametric study was also conducted. The performance of a large gate of size (4.0m x 4.0 m) was explored as well. The study concluded that internally stiffened latticed gate exerted the best performance among all gates. The highest loading capacity was achieved while having the least mass – 22% reduction in mass compared to traditional gate.
