
International Design Journal

International Design Journal


Fashion design is as science that has been newly recognized in the arts and it’s a distinctive art that revolves around highlighting the human body, concealing its defects and identifying it. And because fashion design requires high skills to clarify many details of the costume and formulate it clearly, from here was the direction of the research to work to raise the skills of female students of the first year- Division of Home Economics- and developing their skills in drawing “Drape”, which is one of the most difficult techniques in fashion drawing because it requires mastery of using shadow and light and embodiment of the third dimension of designs, and with help of sculptures(Hardening process) in the construction of fixed mannequins with clear details to achieve the best education in less teaching time. This technique was applied on three mannequins and were treated statistically by the researcher, and by using the opinions of both students and judges about the effectiveness of the educational method and the availability of elements and foundations of design. In addition to the presence of statistical indications on the acceptance of designs by judge, whether the graphic designs transferred by students or some other designs made for the subject” Foundations of design clothes”.



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