
International Design Journal

International Design Journal

Article Title

The role of total quality in mixing raw materials to obtain yarns and fabrics with new specifications


Author #1


Total and sustainable quality has recently become an important criterion within distinct production standards in all sectors such as education, health, industry ...... etc and other sectors of society - so as the interest in quality increases, the product evaluates whatever the nature of the product.The spinning and weaving industry is one of the oldest industries at all and it is considered an important pillar in the Egyptian economy - and it is necessary to pay attention to it and improve each element of its success and return it to its golden age in line with modern products suitable for all global markets - it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of training for workers in this industry - as well must concern the quality of machines - in this research will shed light on the need to pay attention to quality in the raw materials - particularly the mixing of various raw materials - such as raw cotton with wool - for yarns or Mnesih valuable aesthetic products and high-quality products compete with similar pal Global markets - this will work to increase economic growth and increasing the income of the state of foreign currency - and will also lead to increase the income of workers in this industry, which vogue will happen economically as a result of the rise of a class of society leads to high in regard economic for the rest of society - where We find a large number of different professions that are closely related to this major industry, which leads to increased income for a number of groups of society, and accordingly they have different needs with other groups, so the economic boom that leads to growth and income increases for citizens.