
Future Computing and Informatics Journal

Future Computing and Informatics Journal

Article Title

Design of Deep Learning Model for Detection of COVID-19 Using X-Ray Images


Nowadays, the need has increased for the use of tools to diagnose C0VID-19 which contribute to limiting the spread of this disease. The results obtained through our study indicate that the application of (AI) techniques to X-ray images in the detection of the disease. As these X-ray images contain important information and also prominent about the disease. In this study it was suggested Dark (COVID-19) Net Technique for automatically detecting COVD-19 from chest X-ray images. Two data-set was applied in this work, initially, the COVID-19 X-rays were provided at open source, second taken from kaggel). The model of this work is created 89.23% of classification accuracy for the multi class cases. Sensitivity, Specificity, Matthew Correlation Coefficient (MCC) are 84.77%, 91.33%, and 89.23%, respectively.