Future Dental Journal



Background: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is one of the most common cancers occupying the sixth position worldwide. PI3k/Akt signaling pathway plays a significant role in regulating diverse cellular functions. This includes cell growth, proliferation and survival via inhibition of apoptosis, transcription and protein synthesis. One of the most acknowledged and approved chemotherapeutic agents is Doxorubicin (DOX) which is a non- selective class I anthracycline. In spite of DOX being one of the most acknowledged chemotherapeutic agents, its use has been limited by its toxic side effects and the development of chemoresistance. Nowadays, Thioridazine (TZ) which is a newly repurposed drug that was originally used in the treatment of psychosis, schizophrenia and anxiety, has been tested in the treatment of breast, ovarian, gastric cancers and leukemias.

Methods: MTT was employed to assess the effect of TZ and DOX on the separately and in combination, with different doses and durations on the HEp2 cell line. The efficacy of both drugs was evaluated separately and in combination with different doses and durations on inhibition of cell migration on the HEp2 cell line.

Results: The results of this study revealed that the highest viability was with the control group followed by the TZ group I (low dose), compared to the other groups. While it showed that the lowest mean viability was with the combination group VI (high dose) compared to other groups. Regarding the mean values of cell migration, the lowest mean value was noted in the combination group III, and the highest mean values was noted in the control group, followed by the DOX group I.

Conclusion: From the results of this study it can be concluded that combination group of DOX an d TZ is a promising treatment for HEp2 cell line.

Keywords: Thioridazine, Doxorubicin, human laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma, American type culture collection, Dulbeco’s modified eagle’s medium, fetal bovine serum


