Hadhramout University Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences

This study was conducted at the farm of Faculty of Agriculture, Sana'a University during 2013 seasons. The objective of the study was to determine the effects of three different sowing dates (Feb.-10th , Mar.-10th, and Apr.-10th) and three different planting densities (12.5, 25 and 37.5 plant/m2 ) on some morphological traits and yield components of Canola plant (Brassica napus) Pactole variety. Split Block Plot Design was used for experimental design with three replications. Experimental results showed significant differences between planting dates. The first planting date (Feb -10th) gave the highest plant height, leaf number/plant and maximum seed weight/plant, as compared to plants grown under hot weather condition in April-10th, which showed relatively decreased in plant height, leaf number/plant and seed weight/plant. No significant differences were found between the three sowing dates on 1000 seed weight and seed yield characters. No significant differences between planting densities on plant height, leaf number/plant, seed weight/plant and seed yield traits. The results also indicated interaction between sowing dates treatments and plant densities on plant height, leaf number/plant, seed weight/plant, and 1000 seed weight characters. We conclude that, Canola plant respond under the effect of dates planting and plant densities under Sana'a conditions , it is recommended to conduct other studies at different areas for this an important oil crop
Recommended Citation
Fakirah, Abdo Bakri and Al- dhubibi, Kholod Muhammed
"The Effect of Different Sowing Date and Plant Density on Some Morphological Traits, and Yield Components of Canola Plant ( Brassica napus L.) A preliminary Study,"
Hadhramout University Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences: Vol. 15:
2, Article 13.
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