
Hadhramout University Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences

Hadhramout University Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences


The intensive Care Unit (ICU) is an important unit that takes care of patients with severely life-threatening illnesses and injuries in order to maintain normal body functions. This study aims to estimate survival and mortality among patients admitted to Surgical ICU (SICU ) in Ibin Sina hospital in Mukalla city. A total of 320 patients records from surgical ICU were reviewed during the last six months in 2018 to estimate the survival and mortality rate using Kaplan Meier to evaluate Hazard Rate (HR) using Cox regression. The mortality rate was found 20%. Out of all dead patients 52 (81.2%) were males, about 50% of admitted cases were due to trauma, and 140 (43.8%) are from rural area. The mean survival time was193.1 hours (95% CI:182.0- 204.2) for urban area vs 136.4 hours (95% CI: 122.4- 150.3) for rural area. HR among patients from rural area was 3.7 times (95% CI 2.0-6.8) compared to urban area, females HR was 2 times higher than the males and HR among those patients with non abdominal causes was 1.9 times than those with trauma. Although Yemen is a poor country the percentage of mortality in SICU was only 20% which is less than the mortality rate in SICUs in many other low-income countries. HR was higher among females, patients from rural area and patients with non abdominal causes.
