
Hebron University Research Journal-A (Natural Sciences) - (مجلة جامعة الخليل للبحوث- أ (العلوم الطبيعيه

Hebron University Research Journal-A (Natural Sciences) - (مجلة جامعة الخليل للبحوث- أ (العلوم الطبيعيه


Juvenility is referred to the period during which a plant cannot be induced to flowers whereas maturity is occurred if a plant gives flowers. The changes from juvenile to mature characteristics are well known as phase changes phenomenon. Plants are unable to initiate flowers after germination and have to undergo in a juvenile developmental phase. This transition period (phase) is a gradual and continuous process until the flowering occurs.

Length of juvenile period in most of woody plants is still considered as a big problem. Indeed, it affects the plant breeding efficiency, plant propagation. And to the selection of new cultivars. Therefore, understanding this phenomenon and guttering different ideas of accelerating growth to get early flowering will have great practical significance.

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Life Sciences Commons
