
Hebron University Research Journal-B (Humanities) - (مجلة جامعة الخليل للبحوث- ب (العلوم الانسانيه

Hebron University Research Journal-B (Humanities) - (مجلة جامعة الخليل للبحوث- ب (العلوم الانسانيه


“ An- Nawasikh’ of the nominal sentence in the poetry of “ Abd-ul- Rahim Mahmud.

This research paper studies Mahmud’s method in using “An- Nawasikh’ in different nominal sentence including verbs and / or particles. The purpose is to clarify a specific syntactic feature that can help in detecting the aspects and situations which distinguish the poet’s creativity and make him unique among other Arab poets. This id due to its stylistic significance in modern studies and its dependence on aspects at different levels.

Besides, the research is based on a statistical approach examining” Abd-ul- Rahim ‘s poetry in his collection, By Hanna Abu Hanna. This is done through studying the precentsge of each pattern of An –Nawasikh and identifying the percentage of its occurrence especially when related to specific linguistic context styles commonly by eloquent Arabs and established by grammarians.

* An –Nawasikh: verbs or/ and particles inserted at the beginning of a nominal sentence changing the syntactic function of the component of the sentence.
