
Hebron University Research Journal-B (Humanities) - (مجلة جامعة الخليل للبحوث- ب (العلوم الانسانيه

Hebron University Research Journal-B (Humanities) - (مجلة جامعة الخليل للبحوث- ب (العلوم الانسانيه


This research covers in a very careful reading the poetry book of (Mr. Mohammad Ahmed Al-Ammad), which was published after being audited and verified by a respected committee composed from number of teachers from the department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Arts, An-Najah National University.

We tried in this work to do the correction and remedial work for language and prosodic mistakes which were very huge in number, still the poems were very excellent and valuable, but, these mistakes disfigured its language rhythms. In our correction and remedial work we depended on number of Arabic language dictionaries, our long scientific and practical experiences in teaching language sciences, and on our personal knowledge of the poet himself, his culture, thoughts, and language skills as a poet. Our humble work, the research, intends to place back the poet, the writer, on his respected place, and repaying, and replacing the publisher, An-Njah National University in its cultural, academic right place.
