
Hebron University Research Journal-B (Humanities) - (مجلة جامعة الخليل للبحوث- ب (العلوم الانسانيه

Hebron University Research Journal-B (Humanities) - (مجلة جامعة الخليل للبحوث- ب (العلوم الانسانيه


This study aimed at identifying the extent of cohesion and interaction of players with football teams in Palestine . To achieve this study was condducted on a random sample of (60) players from from the Palestinian league excellent football players, so the population of the study (400) players were divided among players from the Gaza Strip and West Bank. To collect the data and to achieve the goals of the study, the descriptive method wase used to measure the stability of the interaction of architecture and design of the sports team «Caron» and «Grand» (1992) and the Allawi (1998), quoting the translation into the Arabic language. - Results of the study showed that after a clear role came first relative weight of (72.0), which means that a clear role is composed of knowledge to undderstand each player for the session reflects the degree of knowledge and understanding of roles between the members of the team sports such as perfformance expectations, responsibilities and functions of each player in team functions and responsibilities of defense The offensive example, while admmission came after the second round in the relative weight of (73.7), which means that acceptance of the emotional component is to fulfill the role -the approval and satisfaction associated with the particular role of each player- that is gratifying to accept the role and commitment to its implementation. However the performance came after the amazement ranked third and final relative weight of (74.5), which means that the performance represented by the perceived tendency or behavior of the performance of a role, which recoognizes the degree to which team sports and individual members of the speccific responsibilities have been carried out or implemented. The whole scale results showed that the degree of stability of the interaction of architecture and football teams in Palestine large.
