
Hebron University Research Journal-B (Humanities) - (مجلة جامعة الخليل للبحوث- ب (العلوم الانسانيه

Hebron University Research Journal-B (Humanities) - (مجلة جامعة الخليل للبحوث- ب (العلوم الانسانيه


The study aims to investigate the role of independent schools in Qatar in developing education from the perspectives of administrators and teacheers. The researchers randomly selected a sample from a population of adminieistrators totaling 1 00 administrators (50%). The researcher selected a random sample of teachers’ population totaling 4 00 teachers (20%). To achieve the study goals, the researchers developed a questionnaire consisting in the final format of 43 items, distributed on 6 domains: educational objectives, school curricula, teaching methods, caring for learners, teachers selection, and school building. The researcher depended on a study instrument designed for some independent schools models in Qatar, some foreign independent schools and the literature. The study found that the role of independent schools in Qatar is significant from administrators and teachers perspectives (means= 4.37, 4.32), respectively. The study concluded with some recommendations.
