International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology

This paper reports the growth and characterization of Iron Copper Sulphide (FeCuS) ternary thin films prepared by Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction (SILAR) technique onto glass substrate at room temperature of 300 K with varied molar concentrations of Fe2+ (0.7 M and 1.0 M) at varied SILAR cycles of deposition (20, 30 and 40 cycles) from aqueous solution of ferrous nitrate, cuprous chloride and thiourea, ammonium solution, EDTA and TEA. The grown thin films were characterized using an AVALIGHT-DH-S-BAL Avantes UV-VIS spectrophotometer and KEITHLEY 4ZA4 2400 Source-meter Four-point probe machine. The results of this study revealed that the reflectance, transmittance and absorbance of the films exhibited appreciable change for Fe2+ concentration at the varied SILAR cycles. However, the energy band gaps for direct transitions (ranges from 3.61-3.84 eV) of the thin films decreased with increase in SILAR cycles for the Fe2+.
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A. Adeniji, Q.; O. Fowodu, T.; Odunaike, Kola; and T. Talabi, A.
"The Growth and Opto-Electrical Characterization of SILAR- grown Iron Copper Sulphide (FeCuS) Ternary Thin Films,"
International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology: Vol. 10
, PP -.
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