International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology

Polymer thin film technology has made tremendous growth due to the range of technological applications such as coatings, light emitting diodes, photodiodes, sensors and batteries. These applications of thin films are possible as they are easy to fabricate and the effects due to confinement and interfacial interactions are responsible for different physical phenomenon that depend on thickness of thin films which cannot be observed in bulk materials. In the present work pure and doped (KNO3 & MgCl2) Polyvinyl Alcohol thin films are synthesized using solution casting technique. Electrical conduction in polymers has been studied aiming to understand the nature of the charge transport prevalent in these materials. The variation of conductivity with temperature shows Arrhenius behaviour. Activation energies are calculated from these studies and noted that these depend on the type of dopant material.
Recommended Citation
K.Sreelalitha and K.Thyagarajan
"Electrical Properties of Pure and Doped (KNO3 & MgCl2) Polyvinyl Alcohol Polymer Thin Films,"
International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology: Vol. 3
, PP -.
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