International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology

In this study we compare the influence of the microstructure and of chemical composition on resistivity of pure metals of Cu and Ni, NixCu1-x alloys as well as Ni/Cu bilayered films. When the distance between defects becomes comparable or smaller than the wavelength associated to the conduction electron mean free path and when these defects are randomly distributed the resistivity increases by several orders of magnitude. The resistivity of a NixCu1-x alloy film is approximately 10 times larger than the resistivity of a Ni/Cu bilayered film having the same mean atomic composition.
Recommended Citation
K. Loudjani, M. and Sella, C.
"Relation between Microstructure and Electric Resistivity of Copper, Nickel, NixCu1-x Alloys and Ni/Cu Bilayered Thin Films.,"
International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology: Vol. 4
, PP -.
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