International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology

Cadmium Sulfide (CdS) were grown on glass substrate by chemical bath deposition (CBD) and Successive Ionic layer adsorption and reaction technique (SILAR) techniques. The structural, morphological and optical properties of the CBD deposited CdS thin films have been studied by varying the parameters such as concentration, pH and the deposition time. The ratio of S/Cd of the precursor was varied in order to have better understanding of the growth conditions. Similarly in SILAR method parameters such as concentration of cationic and ionic precursors, number of 125 immersion cycles, immersion time and pH of the solution were optimized. The films were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and optical absorption measurements.The average crystallite size of the films deposited by CBD & SILAR technique is found to be 6.97nm and 5.56nm. The band gap is 2.48eV & 2.54eV for the CBD and SILAR method respectively. SEM images confirmed that the substrates are well covered with the deposited CdS layers without cracks or pinholes.
Recommended Citation
Swapna Samanta, Smt.; S. Shinde, M.; and S. Patil, R.
"Studies on Characterization of Cadmium Sulphide Thin Films Deposited by Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD) and Successive Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction (SILAR) Method,"
International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology: Vol. 4
, PP -.
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