
International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology

International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology


The Jackson–Hunt model of rod eutectic growth is extended from low velocities to high velocities in rapid solidification conditions. When the eutectic growth under rapid solidification conditions and the eutectic alloys contain the phases that have sluggish interface-attachment kinetics, the effect of interface kinetics on the eutectic growth is significant. The relation between the interface kinetics, growth velocity, rod spacing and interface undercooling can be derived. The results reveal that a small spacing and a large undercooling in the system require a large Peclet number p coupled with a small distribution coefficient k . The expressions 2V  and T   are constants at low velocities, while variables at high velocities. The rod spacing decreases while the rod eutectic growth velocity increases as the kinetic parameter increases. PACS: 81.10Aj, 61.50.Ah, 68.35Ja
