International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology

The creep curves of Sn96 Ag3.5In0.5, Sn95.5Ag3.5In1.0, and Sn95Ag3.5In1.5 ternary alloys have been studied at various constant loads from 10 to 19.5 MPa in temperature range from 303 to 393 K. The results indicated that the steady state creep parameters m and steady-state creep rate ε.st are increased with increasing both the deformation temperature and the applied stress. Significant improvement in creep of 5% and7% is realized, respectively when compared of the Sn95.5 Ag3.5 In1.0, and Sn95 Ag3.5 In1.5 with Sn96 Ag3.5 In0.5s older. This finding in dicates the capability of newly developed ternary1.5 in solder alloys to serve a much wider array of electronic applications. The activation energies of steady state creep of the alloy have been found to be 27.14 and 30.24, 23.03 and 27.23, 13.13 and 18.32 kJ mol−1 in low and high temperature regions for the three ternary alloys, respectively. Therefore, the Sn96 Ag3.5In0.5 samples showed higher creep resistance (low strain rate) than those with 1.0In and 1.5In addition. X- ray diffraction analysis, optical microscope and scanning electron microscopy showed that the formation of stable In Sn4 IMC could occur and the microstructure is refined with increasing In content.
Recommended Citation
Y. Salem, M.
"Steady State Creep Characteristics of Sn96.5Ag3.5 Based Alloys,"
International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology: Vol. 7
, PP -.
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