International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology

The variable heating rate (VHR) method of thermoluminescence (TL) has been employed to investigate how the trap (defect) level changes its position with in the band gap of KY-F/0:Ho-*commercial phosphor powder after thermal annealing. Thermal annealing alters the structure of glow curves of some TL materials. The effect of annealing on TL glow curves of KY-F/0: Ho-*commercial phosphorwas analyzed and the result was compared with that of un annealed one. The sample powder was annealed at different temperatures of 400oC, 500oC and 600oC. The trap depth of the phosphor powder after being annealed at each temperature was calculated using variable heating rate method (VHR). It is found that the trap level can be tuned within the band gap of KY-F/0:Ho-*by annealing it at different temperatures. The higher the annealing temperature, the closer the trap level to the conduction band edge. The annealing process also shifts the peak temperatures of the glow curves to higher temperature region. PACS numbers: 81.40.Wx, 61.80.Ba, 82.50.Hp
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G. Debelo, Nebiyu.
"Tuning Trap Level with in the Band Gap of ππ π
:ππ¨π* Phosphor Powder,"
International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology: Vol. 8
, PP -.
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