International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology

The main objective of this research is to measure the abnormality of the prostate using image matching techniques by cross correlation to compare the volume of the a reference normal case and patient abnormal prostate enlargement volume case, in order to compute the amount of prostate volume enlargement ratio which represents an approximate amount of prostate volume enlargement and may be used by specialist as a diagnostics tool for farther patient treatment. So the specialist can measure patient prostate irregularity using this approach after overlapping and matching volume enclosed by patient abnormal case with volume of the normal case as reference value taken into consideration both age factor and the body mass index BMI. Furthermore, this paper also implement a statistical analysis by computing average, standard deviation and variance differences respectively between patient image and reference image, the outcomes of the three statistical differences give the exact amount of prostate enlargement, which will be represented by ratio that indicates the exact amount of the prostate enlargement.
Recommended Citation
Mohammad, Sarmad and Al-Awadhi, Abdulrahman
"Prostate Volume Measurement Using Image Matching,"
International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology: Vol. 8
, PP -.
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