
International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology

International Journal of Thin Film Science and Technology


An ideal crystal is built with regular and unlimited recurring of crystal unit in the space. Crystal growth is defined as the phase shift control. Regarding the diverse crystals and the need to produce crystals of high optical quality, several many methods have been proposed for crystal growth. Crystal growth of any specific matter requires careful and proper selection of growth method. Based on material properties, the considered quality and size of crystal, its growth methods can be classified as follows: solid phase crystal growth process, liquid phase crystal growth process which involves two major sub-groups: growth from the melt and growth from solution, as well as vapour phase crystal growth process. Methods of growth from solution are very important. Thus, most materials grow using these methods. Methods of crystal growth from melt are those of Czochralski (tensile), the Kyropoulos, Bridgman-Stockbarger, and zone melting. In growth of oxide crystals with good laser quality, Czochralski method is still predominant and it is widely used in the production of most solid-phase laser materials.
