Information Sciences Letters

Information Sciences Letters


This study aimed at addressing shyness for learning disabilities students in the province of Irbid in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The descriptive-correlative approach was used. The sample consisted of (250) male and female learning disabilities students of grades two and four at public school in the province of Irbid. To achieve study objectives, shyness scale was developed, and the validity and reliability of its indicators we verified. Findings revealed that the level of shyness for learning disabilities students in the province of Irbid was moderate. They, also, revealed that the presence of statistical differences in the level of shyness for learning disabilities students attributable to the variable of gender. These differences came in favor of females. Furthermore, findings revealed the absence of statistical differences attributable to grade. In light of the findings, the researcher recommends raising the self-esteem level for students through co-operation between school administrations, teachers and guardians. It is also recommended that other researchers to conduct other developmental studies and compare the shyness levels for students in multiple age groups and environments.
