
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of a training program based on the Attribution Theory for the development of positive thinking among female students at the seventh grade in the education directorate of Sahab District. The sample consisted of 57 female students and it was divided into two groups, the experimental group (27) , and the control group (29) . The study applied a positive thinking scale as a pretest and a posttest on the sample, in addition to a training program based on the Attribution Theory. The results indicated that there were significant differences at the significance level a=0,05 between the experimental and control groups in the total score of the posttest of the positive thinking scale and in all its dimensions, in favor of the experimental group. Finally, the study recommended applying this training program on the students who have low levels of positive thinking.
