
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


This study aimed to determine the efficiency degree possessed by agroup of Islamic education teachers at the secondary level in the UnitedArab Emirates from the viewpoint of those teachers. The sample of thestudy consisted of 48 teachers of both genders in public schools supervisedby Abu Dhabi Education Council in the UAE. The researcher developed aquestionnaire with (56) items distributed on five domains. Concurrently,he applied the Means, Standard Deviation, Cranach Alpha CorrelationCoefficient, Mono-variation, and the (T) test. The analysis of results signaledthat (33) of the Islamic education teachers had high efficiency level, (17) ofthem had moderate efficiency level, and (6) of them had low level of teachingefficiency. The highly loaded factor in this questionnaire was related to theteaching methodology with an average Mean of (%3.96) and a percentageof (%79.2). The second loaded factor was related to the assessment domainwith an average Mean of (%3.87) and a percentage of (%77.4.) The teachingaids domain was the third with an average Mean of (%3.61) and a percentageof (%72.2.) The forth domain was related to planning daily teaching withan average Mean of (%3.51) and a percentage of (%70,2.) The last domainwas related to field application of educational technology with an averageMean of (%3.46) and a percentage of (%69.2). The analysis also signaled nosignificant variance pertaining to the gender of teachers or their experienceon each of the five domains and on the whole questionnaire at large.
