
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


The study aimed to reveal the degree of including Islamic Educationtextbooks for basic higher Grades in Jordan of contemporary environmentaleducation standards.The study sample consisted of the same study population,the Islamic Education textbooks for basic higher graes issued by the Ministry ofEducation for the academic year 2006/ 2007.In order to achieve the objectivesof the study, the researcher developed a tool to measure and analyze nine axesincluded 27 contemporary standards of environmental education.The resultsrevealed the low availability of contemporary environmental standards ofeducation in those books.The proportion of the availability of (ethics, valuesand behavior) were high, while (resources, cooperation, legislation andmonitoring) were moderate.(Energy, population, culture, media, awareness,the economy, development and consumption, science and technology) andtheir standards were low.In light of the results of the study, the researcher recommended theinclusion of environmental dimension, concepts and other issues in the booksof Islamic Education.
