
Journal of Faculty of Education Assiut University - المجلة العلمية بكلية التربية-جامعة أسيوط

Journal of Faculty of Education Assiut University - المجلة العلمية بكلية التربية-جامعة أسيوط


Awareness of the importance of psychological services has increased, and attitudes towards such services have become a current topic in psychology. The current study investigated the attitudes towards seeking psychological help (psychological disorders and patient, psychological service, and the psychological therapist). Additionally the study aimed to examine differences and psychological help seeking according to a number of variables (gender, geographical location, study major, educational level), and to test a model of the relationship between beliefs about counseling and psychotherapy, attitudes towards seeking psychological help , and such variable in light of the planned behaviour theory. The study participants included 2243 for the main study. The instruments that were administered included the Attitudes towards Psychological Therapy and Counselling Services Scale (ATPTCSS). The study results indicated negative attitudes towards psychological patient and psychological disorder, whereas the attitudes towards psychological services and psychological counsellor/ therapist were positive. There were statistically significant differences in attitudes towards seeking psychological help (p=0.01) as a result of study major in favour of those who study psychology majors, and as a result of educational level (p=0.05) in attitudes towards psychological patient in favour of postgraduate level, and towards psychological counsellor/ therapist in favour of secondary education level, whereas there were no statistically significant differences in attitudes towards psychological services as a result of gender (males vs. females, geogrpahrical location (rural areas vs urban areas). The path analysis results showed good model fit statistics (Goodness of fit index: GFI ( 0.946) , AGFI ( 0.985) , NFI ( 0.912) , CFI ( 0.987) , RFI ( 0.993) , IFI ( 0.931) , RMSEA (0.074) . The results were discussed in light of the related literature and a number of recommendations were propsed
