
Journal of Faculty of Education Assiut University - المجلة العلمية بكلية التربية-جامعة أسيوط

Journal of Faculty of Education Assiut University - المجلة العلمية بكلية التربية-جامعة أسيوط


The Research objective is discover the level of implementing gamification strategy by the female teachers of computer science in Riyadh, ksa in addition to discovering the drawbacks from implementing gamification strategy by the female teachers of computer science in Riyadh, ksa from their perspective, and the differences in the level of implementing it by the female teachers of computer science in Riyadh according to the variables of education qualification, years of experience, and school grade they teach.

To achieve the research objectives the researcher used descriptive analysis method. and a questionnaire was prepared as data collective tool it consisted of three main cores which have been verified of their guidance of validity and certainty, then it was distributed online to the community of the study represented by the female teachers of computer science in Riyadh for the grades of intermediate and secondary in the second term of the year 1438-1437 H reaching the number 780 female teachers, and the percentage of the reclaimed and valid was 70 questionnaires. The research findings have reached that the level of implementing gamification by the female teachers of computer science in Riyadh, ksa were at a high level. implementing gamification comes first place to female teachers relating to curriculum and methods of teaching. Afterwards comes the level of implementing gamification strategy by the female teachers relating to the female student, it became clear that there is a high level of approval amongst the research individuals on existing the drawbacks of implementing gamification by the female teachers of computer science in Riyadh, ksa whereas the drawbacks relating to school management and financial recourses came first place, afterwards comes the drawbacks relating to curriculums. third place comes the drawbacks relating to female teacher. and lastly comes the drawbacks relating to the female students as the least drawback of implementing gamification by strategy the female teachers of computer science in Riyadh at ksa
