
Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات


This study aimed at assessing the effect of computer - assisted learning ( CAL) of geography ‎on the development ofThe female 10th graders, creative thinking. It specificallyAttempts to answer the following basic questions‎1- What is the effect of CAL on developing fluency, flexibility and originality - as creative ‎ability components –in The thinking of the 10th grade basic stage female students‏ ‏‎?‎‎2- What is the effect of CAL on developing the global creative thinking ability of the 10th ‎grade basic stage female students?‎The sample of the study consisted of a population of fe-‎Male students from Irbid Secondary School for Girls whoWere subjected to a Torrance Creative Thinking Test beforeThe experiment. The group then studied a unit on Jordan byCAL After the experiment the group took the same test.‎The statistical analysis revealed the following findingsNo significant difference was found between the meansOf the students, performance on the pre-test and theirMeans on the post-test , regarding fluency However, thereAre differences with regard to the other components of flexibility and originality as well as ‎global creative thinkingAbility of the subjectsthe study recommends the use or CAL in the teaching ofgeography
